Our Mission.

With the advance in Information Technology, a world where all things are connected to the Internet
will be materialized and an era where the quality of life will change dramatically shall come.
The key to opening up the future shall be the ability to draw out the layers of information and the intelligence to understand it.
We at Starlines will continue to propose solutions for issues related to energy, food and water by using control, communication and
server technology and by accumulating valuable information by using the same.
We intend to pursue our goals, seeking to create a better tomorrow for our children and for posterity.

   "Everything is for the children of the future"


Our Policy.

- Recognizing the value of information in order to realize a rich and healthy society, we create new services and products.

- We constantly strive to create and provide to our customers, more value than we receive.

- We seek to constantly pursue that which is right and to refine our intelligence in order to be able to grasp the essence of things.




In preparation.


Company name.
Starlines Inc.
Kikai Nozawa
GVH Tower-C 7F, Grand Front Osaka
3-1 Ofuka-cho, Kita-ku, Osaka 530-0011, Japan

Copyright (c) Starlines Inc, All Rights Reserved.